What a Great Weekend this is going to be!!!
The day has started off with a clear sky and nice, dry temperature! Time to hit the beach with Higgins and Hazel for the prior to nine o'clock run and social time...fantastic.
Lots of adults, kids and dogs intermingling and really enjoying the start to what is going to be a great day. The weekend is going to be perfect weather. And we are starting our vacation week with family and friend coming to visit.
So, why does this have to change? Everyone is respecting the beach and each other.
Here is Jim, dog owner, with his bag that he always has with him when walking his dogs. Jim fills that bag with the trash that has been left on the beach by the Human Element. Items in his "trash bag" include old diapers, juice boxes, paper, bottles, cans and other things. Jim is one of the many responsible dog owners that enjoys walking the beach with his dogs and also performs a great community service!!
Lets keep Scarborough Beaches open for all!!
Freedom of Access
Express your opinion...write a letter or e-mail to your Town Councilors today. Also, plan to attend the Town Council Meeting on Sept. 4th at 7:00 PM!!
So tell us out-of -towners what happened on the 4th.?
ReplyDeleteNothing, the meeting was cancelled because the town clerk had not posted it in the paper. That gives us a little breaking room and we were able to get a lot of information from the USFWS Rep who spoke at the meeting. The Rep was very good and forth right with his answers...not BS just the facts and the truth. It was a very good meeting, plenty of great questions and lot of good answers!
ReplyDeletePlease join us on Facebook...lots of information at Dog Owners of Greater Scarborough, ME. The next meeting will be the 18th of September!! If you get a moment, please write the councilors and express your opinion.